Few facts about Google Lens


Do you want to know what is new in the market today? Well, here is an article about one such technological tool that can be beneficial for mobile users particularly Gen-Z


Google lens is a tool that uses image recognition to bring up relevant information related to objects. It identifies images on your camera and gains more information about landmarks, places, plants, animals, products, and other objects. It can also be used to scan and auto-translate text.

There are many reasons to use Google Lens.

-- You can see who has been using your photos without authorisation or, is looking for a larger version of a photograph.

-- Google Lens identifies the image and, you'll get a list of relevant information about it.

-- It holds a pretty good track record for accuracy on certain objects.

-- Just by pointing your phone at the paper and tapping the document icon, you can select whatever text you want and click the "Listen" option in the bottom-of-screen panel.

-- The Google Lens app will read the selected text out-loud to you in a soothingly pleasant voice.

-- The lens can also pull and process text from images. By tapping the square-shaped photo icon in the app's upper-right corner, select the screenshot you had captured, and then select the text you want.

-- From there, you can copy the text, send it to a computer, or perform any of Lens' other boundary-defying tricks.


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