POEMS | Another Christmas by Joshua Anglo


Another Christmas

By Joshua Anglo

Its yet another Christmas,

 I will decorate my house

Put up the star, light the Christmas tree

But to the dilapidated church, ignorant I will be.

I will sing melodiously

Harvesting malice in my heart.

I will look my best, conceal all my flaw

I don't want to seek Christ

Pin pointing others is my custom now.

 I will pray for selfish gain.

Turning blind eye to other's pain.

I will wash other's feet for world to witness

But the tumult within me won't rest.

I will abashedly politicize and speak foul

Humbly I won't  bow down

How long every Christmas will pass by like this?

How long I will fool myself, losing out on eternal grace.

This Christmas,

Let Christ be born in your heart.

Redeem your soul,

Let all frivolities depart.


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