Side effects of Aloe Vera; Here is why excess use can be dangerous


HEALTH | July 16, 2018

There is no denying the fact that it is loaded with nutrients. However, as they say, excess of anything is bad. There are chances that aloe vera may not suit your body, skin or hair, which can further lead to side effects. It is also the latex of the aloe vera plant that many people may be allergic to.

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Here are some of the side effects of Aloe Vera:

#1. Aloe vera leaves contain latex, which comes from underneath the plant's skin. Many people are allergic to latex, which can cause stomach issues like irritation, stomach cramps and low potassium levels. Externally, latex could be safe, if applied appropriately. However, more research is required.

#2. Most people can be allergic to the aloe vera gel, causing skin allergies, redness in the eyes, skin rashes, irritation and burning sensation.

#3. Consuming aloe vera juice might cause your blood sugar levels to drop. It has laxative effects, which may up the chances of electrolyte imbalance in diabetics. If you are a diabetic, it is better to consult a doctor before consuming aloe vera juice.

#4. The laxative effects of aloe vera can lead to dehydration. Laxatives are generally used to alleviate constipation; however, if taken in more quantity than recommended, they may cause dehydration.

#5. It is said that pregnant women and lactating mothers should avoid drinking aloe vera juice due to its irritant qualities. It may stimulate uterine contractions in pregnant women, which may lead to birth complications.

#6.Aloe vera juice may lower the levels of potassium in the body, further causing irregular heartbeat, weakness and fatigue. Elderly and sick people are generally advised to not consume it.

#7. The bio-active compounds in aloe vera might interfere with liver's detoxification process, further causing health complications.

#8. Stomach discomfort is one of the most common side effects of drinking aloe vera juice. The latex can cause excessive cramps and pain in the tummy. Do not consume aloe vera juice, especially if you are dealing with stomach problems.

Source: NDTV

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